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What is the purpose of brushing your horse?
Cleaning your horse is done by brushing. There are different brushes for different brushing goals, such as the removal of loose hairs, dirt and dried sweat. Not brushing your horse before saddling up may result in irritated skin under the saddle or bridle. Other benefits to brushing your horse are noticing wounds or damaged skin and improving your horse’s blood circulation.
Different brushes for horses
There is a huge variety of horse brushes out there and each brush is designed for a specific goal.
Curry combs are used for loosening up hairs and grainy dirt. Move the comb in circles from neck to tail. Curry combs are made of rubber and sometimes of stainless steel, so avoid sensitive areas such as the legs and head. A curry comb is easy to clean by tapping it against a pole or on the ground.
Another method for loosening up dirt in your horse's coat is using a grooming glove. Grooming gloves are brushes in the shape of gloves. The palm of the glove has nubs which will loosen up the dirt just as a curry comb would.
Having loosened up hairs and dirt, it's time to move on to a dandy brush. A dandy brush has relatively hard, long hairs that easily remove anything you've loosened up, as well as any other dirt that might still be stuck on the coat. A dandy brush can be used on the legs, but the hairs are quite tough so not every horse may enjoy it when their legs are brushed with a dandy brush. A dandy brush can also be used to remove dirt from the mane and tail and to loosen up tangles.
Clean a dandy brush by scraping it along a wall or pole.
A body brush is meant to remove any dirt and loose hairs you may have missed with the dandy brush. Unlike a dandy brush or curry comb, a body brush can be used for the entire body, including the head and legs. Shine brushes are even softer than body brushes and they give your horse’s coat a healthy shine. They’re usually made from goat hair. There are also Merino-fur grooming gloves, which make brushing your horse even more fun.
A hoof pick is used to clean the frog of the horse or pony. Dirt and dung tend to pile up between the frog and the bars of the hoof. This is removed with a hoof pick. Many hoof picks have a small brush as well to brush off any dirt collected on the sole. The hoof pick brush is also suitable for the hoof wall.
Tail or mane brushes somewhat resemble hair brushes for humans. Always work from the bottom up when brushing a tail or mane. To get rid of tangles you can use a detangler spray. A detangler spray will detangle the hairs and make the tail easier to brush through. A mane comb is meant for the mane as the tail hairs are a bit more sensitive. A mane comb is also handy when braiding your horse's mane.
A head brush can be used for the head and is often smaller and softer than other brushes. A hoof brush has tough hairs, but is also small in size. Lastly, massage brushes help stimulate the circulatory system of your horse. Stainless steel rollers roll over the body and give your horse a comfortable feeling.
The best brush for shedding your horse´s coat
During spring and fall horses shed their coat. A hair remover is an ideal brush to get rid of all those itchy loose hairs. They remove over 90% of the loose hair in a quick, simple, and painless manner. The comb is suitable for the winter coat and does not damage the horse´s coat. Another useful brush is the Hands On Grooming Glove by LeMieux. This glove is a massage brush, hair remover and body brush all in one. When using the Hands On Grooming glove you’ll be in close contact with your horse, which makes it an excellent bonding tool.
Brushes at Epplejeck
Get a new set of brushes at Epplejeck from the comfort of your home. We strive to send out your package within a few days of receiving your order, so your waiting time is minimal. If something doesn’t fit, simply send it back to us within 60 days – no questions asked!
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