A healthy, shiny coat
A healthy, shiny coat means your horse is healthy inside and out. A proper skin care as well as support from the inside out contribute to a shiny coat. There are many products and supplements to improve the shine of the coat. Linseed oil stimulates the digestive system and additionally helps give your horse's coat a healthy shine. You should also deworm your horse regularly or check for worms. Worms have an extremely negative effect on your horse's shine.
Regular brushing of your horse's coat removes dead hairs and it also stimulates the horse's sebaceous glands which release oils that improve the shine.
However, the most important thing is the right diet and feed nutrients including protein, copper, zinc and Vitamin A. All these nutrients have a direct effect on your horse's coat.
Treating a damaged skin
Your horse might get injuries to its skin. Epplejeck Horse & Rider Superstores has several ointments and creams in their product range to support quick recovery of the skin. Vaseline is very suitable to use for the corners of the mouth; it protects and softens irritated skin. NAF MSM Ointment is a thick zinc ointment with sulphur which protects the skin against dirt and moist. It supports the natural recovery of the skin and is therefore very suitable to use around the pastern. If your horse has a pink or white nose or lower legs the Sectolin Sun Protector cream is a must-have during sunny days. Equi Sunblock is a sun screen which is quickly absorbed and is water and sweat resistant. It is suitable for both you and your horse and lasts 12 hours. Epplejeck also has creams to help get rid of pastern dermatitis, mudfever, like Sectolin Moccareor NAF Mud Gard.
Shop your equine skincare at Epplejeck. 24/7 from the comfort of home.