Summer has arrived, but unfortunately, so have the swarms of flies. Flies can be big nuisances and annoyances to your horse. They especially like to hang out around the eyes… but why, actually?

Eyes are always a little wet. The eye liquid contains proteins, which flies like as they can feed on it, which is why they come to the horse. Apart from it being extremely irritating to the horse to continuously have to fight of flies, it also comes with a risk -the eyes can easily become inflamed. Of course, neither you or your horse would like that to happen. Inflammation of the eyes is not always a harmless thing, in the worst case it can permanently damage the eyes.
Horses are more defenceless against the flies than we are. We can flail our arms or get a fly swatter, but a horse obviously can’t do that. The only way for the horse to stay protected on its own is through the forelock and manes. If that still doesn’t help enough, or the horse’s eyes are still being swarmed by flies, a fly mask is a good solution.
A fly mask fully covers the eyes to protect them. For your horse, that may be weird at first and it might take a little while until your horse has adjusted to looking through mesh. At least the flies won’t stand a chance anymore. A fly mask doesn’t hinder the horse, but keeps the horse more relaxed and comfortable. You can first let your horse get used to the mask on a rope or in a small paddock, so it’s in a safe area and won’t freak out. You’ll see, they can still find the best bits of grass immediately, even with a mask on. If you’re doubting that the horse can see enough, just put the mask in front of your eyes – you’re still able to perfectly see through the mesh!
You don’t need to be scared that the mask is too tight around the eyes. Every Bucas fly mask is designed in a way that your horse isn’t impaired by anything – whether it’s flies or the mask itself. The masks are made of very finely meshed material, so the mask can’t chafe and the fit ensures that the mesh isn’t touching the eyes at all.
It’s also important to regularly wash or clean the fly mask. Dirt attracts flies and it can sit in the little holes of the mesh. Keeping the mask clean also helps ensure that the horse has a good vision. We also advice to not use a fly mask on rainy days.
And now, of course, we come to the question: “So.. which fly mask should I choose then?”

Bucas has a bunch of fly masks in their range. But in this blog, we take a look at their new mask, the Buzz off Deluxe Mask without ears.
This mask is made of durable and finely-meshed material and offers protection from insects and the sun (UV protection). The mask can be easily be opened and closed with the Click & Go closure and Velcro fastener, both of which help against chafing.