Rider fitness in the equine industry
Rider fitness is becoming more and more important in the equine industry. By keeping your own fitness and energy up you and your horse form a better team. Your horse is an athlete, so you should be too.
The rider fitness shop at Epplejeck Horse & Rider Superstores offers fun products to work on your balance, fitness and train your abdominal muscles. Exercises with a fitness ball can be fun and effective. Force your body to the limit when doing exercises on a wobbly, unstable fitness ball. Learn about your balance and the effect of it and train to sit still and balanced on your horse.
The balance board is multifunctional, it improves balance, coordination, power and blood circulation. You can either sit on the balance board or stand on it. The unique design activates your muscles and the nubs massage your buttocks, feet, or back.
Jumping rope is a perfect sport to lose weight and increases your stamina. It is beneficial for your cardiovascular fitness and builds muscle in your arms, calfs and abdominal area. Jumping rope burns off more calories than running.
To bring your workout to the limit Epplejeck has dumbells for sale. Dumbells can be used for many different exercises and muscle trainingsRiding a horse is more than just fun - it requires a specific set of physical skills and fitness. Effective riding requires balance, strength, and coordination. A rider fitness routine can help you develop the skills and strength to become a better rider.
The first step to becoming a better rider is to focus on balance. Balance is essential for riding because it helps you to stay in the saddle and move with your horse. To improve your balance while riding, focus on your posture and make sure you are sitting up straight. In addition to sitting up straight, use your core muscles to help maintain balance. Practicing yoga, Pilates, and other balance exercises can help you develop the balance needed for riding.
Keep yourselve as a rider fit and strong
Strength is also essential for effective riding. Strong core and leg muscles help you stay in the saddle and control your horse. To strengthen your core and leg muscles, try doing planks and squats. For an extra challenge, add weights to your squats and planks. Additionally, consider adding cardio to your rider fitness routine. Cardio helps to improve your stamina and endurance, two essential elements for riding.
Coordination is also important for riding. Coordination helps you to stay in sync with your horse and make the correct movements. To develop coordination, practice exercises that involve movement. Try doing exercises with a hula hoop or jump rope to help improve coordination. Additionally, practice riding drills to help improve your coordination.
In addition to balance, strength, and coordination, flexibility is also important for riding. Flexibility helps you to move with your horse and stay in the saddle. To increase your flexibility, practice stretching. Stretching helps to improve your range of motion and make riding more comfortable.
A rider fitness routine can help you become a better rider. By focusing on balance, strength, coordination, and flexibility, you can develop the skills and strength needed for riding. Remember to practice regularly and stay consistent with your routine for best results. With the right rider fitness routine, you can become a better rider and enjoy the rewarding experience of horseback riding.
Shop your rider fitness products at Epplejeck 24/7 from the comfort of home.