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Horse rug accessories
Horse rug can be quite expensive and it's a shame when parts break or go missing. Epplejeck Horse and Rider Superstores has a variety of horse rug accessories including many items to replace broken parts such as leg straps by Bucas, surcingles, buckles, and more. To protect your horse from chafing its manes or coat with or without a rug Epplejeck has chest protectors; choose from a protector that covers the chest area as well as the neck and head, or one that simply protects the chest area. Another awesome invention is the Rambo Slinky Hood. This hood protects your horse's manes which is especially useful if you've spent hours braiding the manes for a competition or show and need some help keeping the braids neat overnight or on the road.
Which horse rug when it's cold outside
An unclipped horse has a thermoneutral zone of -5 to 15 degrees Celsius. Between these temperatures your unclipped horse won't get cold or start sweating. If you clip your horse it'll start getting cold when the temperature drops below 10 degrees Celcius. When the temperatures drop and days grow shorter your horse will start growing a winter coat to prepare for lower temperatures. The winter coat of a horse has longer hairs than a summer coat, these hairs allow for more air circulation which thus creates a natural form of insulation. If you clip this winter coat it is important to offer your horse a replacement. This is where a horse rug comes into play. If you are unsure which rug to rug your horse with you can use the Orscana rug sensor. Attach the sensor to the horse rug and it will measure the temperature, moisture level and movements of your horse.
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