Detoxing is a term you hear about everywhere these days. You often hear about a detox for people, but what about horses? Is it actually important for your horse? You are about to find that out because NML Health wrote a guest blog about it.
I was always a little hesitant about detoxing your horse. Now I know better. How often do I hear from owners of horses with chronic complaints that improve enormously after a detox treatment in spring and/or autumn? Unfortunately, I also hear owners claim that their horse doesn't need it. A vet once told me how many toxins our horses come into contact with: dewormers, vaccinations, medications, feed, but also fungicides and pesticides in feed or hay. Even if your horse never grazes on the field, his hay or haylage comes from a meadow where cars pass by (exhaust fumes), or where chemicals are used on the land (or next to it). Also, ditches from which horses drink are not always clean either, and the black, plastic concrete pits contain plasticizers.
What is detoxing?
The immune system, the defence against pathogens, works best in a clean body. Especially the liver and kidneys have their hands full to keep the body clean and dispose of waste products. These waste products accumulate, causing the cleansing function of the liver and kidneys to deteriorate. With a drainage cure, another word for detox, you clean up the organs. This allows the immune system to run at full strength again. A horse with insulin resistance often has fat storage around the tail and near the mane. In these fat layers, a lot of waste products are stored. Because of these waste products, a horse is more likely to react allergically to the bite of the culicoides mosquito. Especially with those animals detox is very important, preferably very early in spring.
How to detox your horse?
We advise giving the
Detox cure 4 to 6 weeks. Start with a low dosage and build it up slowly. Some animals are so sensitive that you have to give them a lower dosage than mentioned on the package. It may be that they are a few days slower or have some weak dung. Never give a detox cure to a pregnant or sick horse without consulting the vet!
NML Health has developeda complete range of products for dog, cat, horse and pony such as PUUR Detoxi. Check
here for our complete assortment of PUUR products!